Stellar Storyteller with Jaye Watson

Jaye Watson on Relevate.jpg

Bold Moves

Veteran journalist shares her powerful story.

It's easy to get comfortable with where we are in life, to take a 'pass' on new opportunities that don't seem to make sense at the time.  In this episode of the Relevate Podcast, veteran journalist Jaye Watson shares her journey of leaving the job she loved in television news to forge a new path in healthcare journalism.  And in so doing, she found new purpose and meaning in life.  

Don't miss the latest season of “Your Fantastic Mind”, where Jaye artfully tackles a number of topics, all centered around brain health, including stress, opioids, depression, second chances and my favorite, an episode on dogs.  The entire second series is now online.  Watch online:


Watch the video version of this Relevate Conversation (unedited) with Jaye Watson and Rena Olsen