9/11 Survivor Story with Kayla Bergeron

Article and Podcast Interview

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Two-Time Survivor

Kayla’s personal story of surviving 9/11 and the unresolved trauma that followed.

Copyright Reuters.  Kayla Bergeron emerging from the North Tower on 9/11 just moments before the tower collapsed.

iconic 9/11 image of kayla bergeron. Copyright Reuters.

Kayla Bergeron is pictured here, in the middle with a tan jacket near her face, as she emerged from the North Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.

Out of the Ashes, Into the Fog

9/11 Survivor Finds Recovery 20 Years After Terror Attack

Kayla Bergeron bears no physical scars from the 9/11 attacks that occurred when she was at work in her office on the 68th floor of the World Trade Center in New York. A public information officer for The New York and New Jersey Port Authority, Kayla was one of the last survivors to emerge from the stairwell of the North Tower before the building collapsed.

While Kayla emerged a survivor on 9/11 when close to 3,000 others perished that day, her struggle to survive was only beginning.


“I had walked those stairs a hundred times. Now they were all that separated us from the devastation behind us and life in front of us.”

- Kayla Bergeron

Kayla was in full-on work mode the morning of 9/11/01, preparing for a meeting, when she felt the building sway some 10-feet. A Port Authority employee, Kayla knew the North Tower of the World Trade Center well and was confident in its ability to withstand.  Switching gears, she began to put the agency’s emergency response plan into action, handling various administration-related tasks—including turning off her computer—before a security guard insisted that she must leave the building NOW.

Kayla joined a small group of people headed down the stairwell, and together they made their way down the 68 floors, a journey lasting about 45 minutes that at times was harrowing as they navigated through darkness, rushing water and stairwell obstructions, before finally emerging from the building.

“My mind couldn’t comprehend the devastation I was seeing,” said Kayla. “I could barely see or breathe.  It was like Beirut.”  She did not yet know that the dust and devastation were from the collapsed South Tower.

Minutes later, the command to “Run!” came from a police officer on the street.  Exhausted from her descent from the stairwell, Kayla sneaked a peek over her shoulder then somehow found the energy to sprint (in pumps) some 16 blocks, doing her best to escape the rolling black cloud that had once been the North Tower of the World Trade Center.


Work was what saved Kayla immediately following the attacks. In fact, she claims she never left work mode on September 11, 2001, even while in the staircase.

After catching her breath and dusting herself off, Kayla regrouped what was left of her team and went back to work. The first order of business: Who from the Port Authority was alive? And who was missing and presumed dead?  

An endless succession of funerals then followed. She attended 33 funerals of her fallen friends and coworkers. 72 Port Authority employees died that day, including her boss and mentor, Neil Levin, Director of the Port Authority.


Kayla never thought to worry about her own emotional and mental health state and the emotional toll that could occur from being a survivor of the 9/11 attacks. Nor did she receive help or assistance as a civilian survivor. Kayla dealt with it the only way she knew how—by numbing the pain with work.

“It was a gift at that time, I didn’t stop from work mode,” said Kayla.

In 2006, a job opportunity eventually brought Kayla to West Palm Beach, Florida. It was good, healing work but an eventual layoff and downsizing of the organization in 2011 and her mom’s cancer diagnosis added more pain to her unresolved trauma. Kayla numbed the pain with alcohol and isolation; she got a DUI but was too ashamed to tell her parents. She began to spiral after her mom passed away. Her drinking increased as her savings dwindled.  Kayla eventually lost her home to foreclosure.

“The anxiety is so paralyzing; it affects you physically,” said Kayla.

Kayla’s father offered her a place to live in his home in Cumming, Georgia, just north of metro Atlanta. She found work at a Subway sub shop.

Not long after making the move to Georgia, Kayla was arrested for a second DUI.

It was this second arrest that finally put her on a path to healing and recovery.

“Rather than jail, I was given the option of going through Accountability Court,” said Kayla. The Forsyth County Court System has a comprehensive “Drug Court” program for those arrested and struggling with substance use disorder as an option to jail or costly rehab.

In this program, Kayla finally received help and counseling and a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

“I thought that was something that only impacted military people,” said Kayla. “I had no idea I had PTSD.”

“That program saved my life,” she said.


“After the 9/11 attacks, I think I just lost my way,” said Kayla.  Encouraged throughout her life by her mom to get into public service and live a life with purpose,” Kayla began volunteering at The Connection, a non-profit addiction recovery support center in Cumming.  Her many skills were of tremendous value to the small nonprofit.  She soon transitioned to a full-time staff position.

As Program Director of The Connection, Kayla continues to work on her PTSD and her recovery from addiction.  She also has the chance to serve others by sharing her story of trauma, hope and eventual recovery. She is a peer-certified recovery coach and is on the front lines of helping people, like herself, get the help they need.

Kayla also continues to work on self-care through equine therapy. The non-profit Special Equestrians of Georgia, located nearby in Milton, provides respite and continued healing for Kayla as she volunteers and helps care for the horses who in turn serve those with special needs. She calls the farm “Peaceville.”

“To have this opportunity at The Connection, I realized I have found my purpose again,” she said.


This September marks the 20-year anniversary of the terror attacks on the U.S. September is also National Recovery Awareness Month.

Special thanks to Kayla Bergeron for sharing her 9/11 survivor story and personal story of recovery and PTSD.


The Connection:  Theconnectionforsyth.org

Special Equestrians of Georgia:  Specialequestrians.org

To listen to Kayla’s full interview on the Relevate Podcast: https://bit.ly/911survivorstory

Kayla cheers on Bill Whitney, Executive Director of The Connection, a nonprofit dedicated to providing free support services to those in recovery from substance use disorders.

Kayla cheers on Bill Whitney, Executive Director of The Connection, a nonprofit dedicated to providing free support services to those in recovery from substance use disorders.

Understanding Alzheimer's Disease with Lisa Skinner

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Still There

Better understanding of your loved one’s brain disease

There’s no question that a diagnosis of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease or other brain disorders is devastating for patients and families. Lisa Skinner, a behavioral expert in this area, shares more with Rena about how we can better understand the disease, and in so doing, provide better care and love for our loved one who struggles. Lisa is the author of “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost” available on Amazon. She also has a blog by the same name that can be found on Facebook. Please listen and shared with someone who needs to hear this important information! Most importantly, remember that person you know and love is still there.


Radical Love of Neighbor With Corner to Corner

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Love in Action

Nashville nonprofit—a model to learn more.

Listen and learn what happens when love of neighbor is lived out fully with Will Acuff and Shana Berkeley from the Nashville nonprofit Corner to Corner.  A hope-filled conversation about pursuing God-sized dreams with two inspiring leaders and the fantastic work of Corner to Corner.

To learn more about Corner to Corner:  https://cornertocorner.org

Keep shining my friends and remember to love your neighbors! 




Coping Through the Covid Pandemic with Stephen Walters

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Hold On

Licensed counselor shares tips for preserving mental health during the ongoing quarantine

While this year's COVID-19 pandemic has threatened our physical health, it has also deeply impacted our mental health.  Rev. Stephen Walters of the Summit Counseling Center in metro Atlanta shares his thoughts on coping through Covid, dealing with anxiety, and other ways we can seek to preserve our mental health during the pandemic.

To connect with Stephen or the other counselors at Summit Health:  summitcounseling.org


Stellar Storyteller with Jaye Watson

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Bold Moves

Veteran journalist shares her powerful story.

It's easy to get comfortable with where we are in life, to take a 'pass' on new opportunities that don't seem to make sense at the time.  In this episode of the Relevate Podcast, veteran journalist Jaye Watson shares her journey of leaving the job she loved in television news to forge a new path in healthcare journalism.  And in so doing, she found new purpose and meaning in life.  

Don't miss the latest season of “Your Fantastic Mind”, where Jaye artfully tackles a number of topics, all centered around brain health, including stress, opioids, depression, second chances and my favorite, an episode on dogs.  The entire second series is now online.  Watch online:  https://www.gpb.org/television/show/your-fantastic-mind


Watch the video version of this Relevate Conversation (unedited) with Jaye Watson and Rena Olsen

Spark in the Dark with Cathy Semeria

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Spark in the Dark

Finding your “what” and how to use your pain after devastating loss.

"I am watching my 19-year-old girl change the world and bring people to Jesus from heaven..."

- Cathy Semeria

Even though she's no longer here on earth, Christina "Tini" Semeria continues to be a spark in the dark.  In this episode, her mother Cathy shares more about her talented and faith-filled daughter, the tragic accident that claimed her girl's life along with three of Tini's best friends, and the love that still burns brightly.

Special thanks to the Semeria family for the privilege of using Christina's original song, Be Still, in this episode. To download a copy or to learn more about Tini:  https://christinasemeria.org/

To register for the Christina Semeria Spark in the Dark 5K Run:  https://bit.ly/3cuMzmD


Watch the video version of this Relevate Conversation (unedited) with Cathy Semeria and Rena Olsen

Inspirational conversation with Rena Olsen of the Relevate Podcast. Rena interviews Cathy Semeria to learn more about her daughter's life and legacy.

Be Rich with Bryan Apinis of North Point Ministries

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Be Rich

It’s not what you think. Being rich can be found when we give it away.

Be Rich is a yearly "go do" initiative of North Point Ministries in metro Atlanta that is now having a tremendous impact on organizations and people around the world.  Learn more about what it truly means to "Be Rich", how it all began and what happens when we unite as a church and people to give, serve and love.   

Rena’s guest on this episode, Bryan Apinis of North Point Ministries, shares more about how Be Rich got started and the impact it’s now having. And the fun of delivering those big checks to the nonprofit partners who are doing great such work in our communities.

To donate, volunteer or learn more about Be Rich:  https://berich.org

For more about North Point Community Church and North Point Ministries:  https://northpoint.org


Watch the video version of this Relevate Conversation (unedited) with Bryan Apinis and Rena Olsen

Be Rich is a yearly "go do" initiative of North Point Ministries in metro Atlanta that is now having a tremendous impact on organizations and people around t...

Warrior Mom with Amy Black Durham

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What a Ride

A mother and son’s story of love, loss and somehow finding laughter through the tears.

Loving someone who struggles with addiction is never an easy path to take, especially when that someone is your child. Listen to learn from the dynamic mother/son duo of Amy and Alec and the life lessons learned and love shared along the way.  And the hope that somehow still survives.

To learn more about the Alec Davis Foundation:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/269814107506000

To learn more about Rena Olsen, the host of the Relevate Podcast:   https://rena-olsen.com

Thank you for listening and subscribing to the Relevate Podcast. 


Recovery Champions with Bill Whitney and Catherine Rosborough

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Because We Got Better

Husband and wife team share how they battled addiction and now help others to recover and connect.

The impact of addiction is devastating our families and our communities.  Learn the story of Catherine Rosborough and Bill Whitney, both in long-term recovery and now a married couple, and how they eventually found hope, healing and meaning in their lives.

The two are both champions in the recovery movement where they live, in Forsyth County, Georgia (a suburb of Atlanta). Catherine is the founder of the Recovery Community Foundation of Forsyth (RCFF) and The Connection, a Recovery Community Organization. Learn more about Georgia’s network of RCOs, (there are 16 RCOs in Georgia supported through state funding) and how these grass roots organizations are helping fuel recovery in their respective communities.

To learn more about The Connection:  www.theconnectionforsyth.org

P.S. A note from Rena...It has been a tough week for those of us who serve people in recovery in the north metro Atlanta area, as we lost yet another one of our young men to overdose. This one hurts deeply because he was an exceptional person from a beautiful and loving family. In recording the closing for this episode, I wept big tears for my young friend and his family. I almost re-recorded the message, but then again decided to keep it exactly as it is...Raw, emotional, difficult to hear. It's a time to weep and mourn and stand up and fight for those who struggle...and their families. 


Watch the uncut video of Bill and Catherine’s conversation with Rena for the Relevate Podcast

Faithful with Dave and Mary Ann Taylor

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Tanzania calling

Husband and wife missionaries share their story and love of a very special people and place in Africa.

The call to serve as missionaries in a remote village of Tanzania took both Dave and Mary Ann Taylor by surprise.  Learn more about this couple's hope-filled journey and the gifts that have unfolded as a result of their faithfulness.

You'll also have a chance to learn more about UboraTZ, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the once severely impoverished community of Karansi near Mt. Kilimanjaro, where Dave and Mary Ann call home. What has transpired over the 20-year history of Ubora--along with the work of Pastor Wariaeli and SHEFO--is God ordained and a model of transformation for other cross-continental partnerships.

To learn more about what God is doing in Tanzania, visit:  www.uboratz.org

To connect with Dave and Mary Ann, visit their blog:  https://tztales.wordpress.com/about/


Watch the uncut video of Dave and Mary Ann’s conversation with Rena for the Relevate Podcast

Refresh and Restore with Pastor Tim Price

Refresh and Restore

Candid talk about addiction, recovery and the call that God had on Tim’s life.

Pastor Tim Price shares his story of brokenness, redemption and overcoming addiction in this episode of the Relevate Podcast. From a place of humbleness and abundant faith, Tim leads his people with heart and transparency at the newly established Free Chapel Cumming just north of Atlanta. 

As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, Pastor Tim encourages us it is now time to "hit refresh and restore."

To learn more about Free Chapel Cumming:  https://www.freechapel.org/cumming

Thank you for subscribing and being a supporter of the Relevate Podcast! 


Watch the unedited video interview with Tim and Rena

Overcomer with Judge Kathryn Schrader

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Judgment Call

A unique and inspirational view on life and justice.

"You can choose to be an overcomer or chose to be overcome."

                        - Judge Kathryn Schrader

At the moment of her birth, forceps were needed to complete the delivery from her mother's womb—the procedure subsequently and permanently damaged the facial nerve on the left side of Kathy’s tiny face. Differentiated since birth, life for Kathy McCart Schrader has at times been challenging.

Rather than hold her back, these challenges eventually strengthened Kathryn Schrader into the tough yet fair attorney and judge that she is today. And to live a full and richly blessed life as a wife, mother and public servant.

A relentless defender of the broken and hurting, listen in to learn more from her perspective from the bench and how life challenges continue to mold her into the person she is today.

To learn more about Kathy:  https://judgekathyschrader.com/

To learn more about Rena Olsen, your host of the Relevate Podcast:  www.rena-olsen.com

Thank you for listening and subscribing to the Relevate Podcast!  

To connect with Rena on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/renaolsen/

Lead on with Dan Frey

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Lead On

Up your leadership game for life with advice from an expert.

Leadership expert Dan Frey is here to coach us through quarantine/COVID-19 with some tips and tricks for leading well during this time of uncertainty.

Receive valuable coaching tips as shared by Dan, including--how leadership is influence, why skills break down under pressure and how fear is the opposite of humility--in this jam packed session.

To learn more about Dan and GiANT Worldwide, visit:  www.giantworldwide.com

Thank you for listening to this episode of the Relevate Podcast. Please listen, subscribe and share so that more people can discover the hope that lives within us all.

Beacon of Hope with Jen Hidinger-Kendrick

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Beacon of Hope

A story of love, loss, exceptional food, the power of community…and the one woman at the center of it all.

In this hope-filled episode, learn how Jen Hidinger-Kendrick turned heartbreak into hope after her husband, Ryan, was diagnosed with stage IV cancer.  Jen and Ryan—along with a legion of friends, family, loved ones and leaders from the Atlanta restaurant community—united to bring one of Atlanta's most innovative restaurant concepts to life, Staplehouse, along with its nonprofit sister organization, Giving Kitchen. 

Jen’s story is also about the power of community, the Atlanta food service community to be exact, and what is possible when we all come together in love and service to one another...and the promise that love can live again.

To learn more about Giving Kitchen:  www.thegivingkitchen.org.

To learn more about your host of the Relevate Podcast:  rena-olsen.com

With this episode, there is also an unedited video of Rena's conversation with Jen.  Watch it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaTKFvITyLs

We are a tight family. We do what we do because we love it. Creating and serving, while making people happy with food and drink is our love. Our other love is taking care of others. The mission of Staplehouse restaurant, outside of doing we we love to do, is to give back."

- Ryan Hidinger

Staying Connected with Erik Hawkinson

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Staying Connected

Practical tips for communicating well during quarantine.

Change has been the name of the game as many of us have been forced to adapt to a new way of life during this time of Corona Quarantine. Here to help us better navigate the sometimes treacherous waters of online communication is Erik Hawkinson, a global communications consultant. Erik is a true professional when it comes to the virtual workplace and has mastered the art of working remotely.

Listen and learn more about how to stay connected when we are disconnected.

To connect with Erik:  prairiesonconsulting.com

To connect with Rena:  rena-olsen.com

Love Heals with Becca Stevens of Thistle Farms

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love heals

A beauty from the ashes story of hope, possibility and healing.

The thistle is classified as both a flower and weed. It's beautiful, wild and strong and grows in even the most barren and desolate of places. It's also the name of the non-profit organization founded by Becca Stevens, Thistle Farms in Nashville.  Hear Becca's story and the message of Loves Heals in this episode of the Relevate Podcast. You'll also learn more about the compelling and beautiful story of how Thistle Farms is saving women once devastated by sexual trafficking, prostitution and addiction. 

To connect with Becca and Thistle Farms:  ThistleFarms.org

To connect with Rena Olsen, the host of the Relevate Podcast:  Rena-Olsen.com

Watch on YouTube…Don't miss this Relevate Podcast conversation with Becca Stevens of Thistle Farms. Becca shares her story of hope, love and healing and how her non-profit is...

Top Dog with Sgt. Mark Tappan and Mattis

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Loyal and Fierce

Top K9 team inspires hope and shows off skills on A&E’s America’s Top Dog.

America's Top Dog is a new TV show on A&E showcasing the brilliant capabilities of K9 and civilian service dogs and the bond that exist between the dogs and their handlers. The Alpharetta (Georgia) PD has a team in the competition, Sergeant Mark Tappan and his beautiful and fearless K9 partner, Mattis, who are strong favorites to win it all and the official title of "America's Top Dog".  

Listen in to learn more about Tappan's journey to becoming a police officer; Mattis' heroic jump that almost cost him his life; the fun the two are having working side by side to protect the people of Alpharetta and as social media stars; and their experience on America's Top Dog.

Sgt. Tappan and Mattis appear on episode four of Season One of America's Top Dog. The finale is March 18, 2020.

Watch America's Top Dog:  https://www.aetv.com/shows/americas-top-dog

Follow the duo on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/adps_k9_mattis/

Connect with Rena on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/renaolsen/

Shine On With Jacque Hansard and Berni Leonard

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Mother/daughter team

Mother/daugher duo share how to get more out of life by giving it away.

Be inspired by the mother/daughter duo of Berni Leonard and Jacque Hansard, who use their professional platform as hair stylists to lift up and serve others. 

Beyond the magic they create in the salon they co-own, Berni Inc., Berni and Jacque shine as philanthropists and fundraisers and are dedicated to lifting up the beauty profession through leadership coaching and training.

Connect with Berni and Jacque on Instagram:

Berni Inc

Jacque Hansard

Berni Leonard

Rena Olsen, the host of Relevate


On the Web:

Berni Inc

Rena Olsen

To learn more about No Longer Bound, the men's addiction regeneration center that Berni and Jacque support, visit:  nolongerbound.com

Suffer Strong with Katherine Wolf

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a story of Hope for those who suffer

Katherine’s stroke was the beginning of a greater story…

The depth of our character is tested when we go through difficult times. Katherine Wolf survived a catastrophic stroke at the age of 26, and along with her husband, Jay, they have since dedicated their lives to using their story of hope and love to inspire others facing similar challenges.  

Katherine and Rena talk about the couple's latest book, "Suffer Strong" on this hope and joy-filled episode of the Relevate Podcast!

To connect with Katherine and Jay:

Hope Heals Website (includes a link to purchase their new book, a link to donate and info on Hope Heals Camp):  www.hopeheals.com

On instagram:  hopeheals

To connect with Rena:


On instagram:  renaolsen

To listen to the podcast episode with subtitles, click here.

Watch on YouTube with subtitles…Katherine Wolf (Hope Heals) and Rena Olsen talk about Katherine and Jay's latest book, "Suffer Strong" in a recent interview for the Relevate Podcast.