Suffer Strong with Katherine Wolf

Katherine Wolf on Relevate.png

a story of Hope for those who suffer

Katherine’s stroke was the beginning of a greater story…

The depth of our character is tested when we go through difficult times. Katherine Wolf survived a catastrophic stroke at the age of 26, and along with her husband, Jay, they have since dedicated their lives to using their story of hope and love to inspire others facing similar challenges.  

Katherine and Rena talk about the couple's latest book, "Suffer Strong" on this hope and joy-filled episode of the Relevate Podcast!

To connect with Katherine and Jay:

Hope Heals Website (includes a link to purchase their new book, a link to donate and info on Hope Heals Camp):

On instagram:  hopeheals

To connect with Rena:

On instagram:  renaolsen

To listen to the podcast episode with subtitles, click here.

Watch on YouTube with subtitles…Katherine Wolf (Hope Heals) and Rena Olsen talk about Katherine and Jay's latest book, "Suffer Strong" in a recent interview for the Relevate Podcast.